Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Easy Ways to Burn Fat

Fat Loss Easy Peasy Strategies

Sometimes we get so caught up in the latest diets and exercise plans we forget the small things that can help us get active and burn the belly fat.  Just remember you don’t necessarily have to keep jumping from diet to the next, you can think smart and implement easy strategies to maximize your efforts and time.
From boosting your metabolism to toning and conditioning your lean muscle mass, every strategy on this list offers an effective means for fat loss. Try one or try a bunch, you can’t go wrong.
20 Easy and Effective Strategies to Burn Fat – in 30 Minutes or Less!
1. Have a Cleaning Spree – Serious cleaning around the house can result in some serious fat burning results. Bonus ideas are cleaning the windows or vacuuming. Put on some music, and work away!
2. Replace Your Chair with a Stability Ball – This one is one of my favorites as a stability ball can be a great replacement for an office or desk chair, and sitting on one while you work will engage a whole bunch of core and back muscles. End result is that you’ll burn some serious fat in the process. If you don’t have one yet this one is good because it includes a pump and is inexpensive: Xercise Ball Package With DVD And Pump.
3. Walk to Work – A simple solution, but when you tight on time for a workout, a good, fast-paced walk will burn a lot of calories and give your metabolism a pretty decent boost for the day.
4. Take the Stairs – I’m sure you’ve heard this one before, but taking the stairs rather than the elevator is a great way to enhance your metabolism and burn off a lot more fat!
5. Cook a Big Dinner – Believe it or not, cooking is a good exercise. It keeps you on your feet, and it keeps you moving. Cook with metabolism boosting foods like Nutiva Organic Extra-Virgin Coconut Oil, and you’re doubling your results!
6. Stand While You Work – While it’s not practical for everyone, standing at your desk or while you work burns a lot more calories than sitting. If you have to sit, at least try to move around as much as you can.
7. Do Yoga Every Morning – Starting your day with a quick yoga routine is a great way to boost your metabolism for the day. If you’re new to yoga, check out this awesome Gaiam Yoga for Beginners Kit.
8. Play a Game of Pool or Go Bowling – Next time you’re out with friends, consider playing a game of pool or going bowling. Neither may not seem like the most strenuous of exercises, but in a single game you can burn up a hundred calories or more.
9. Enjoy the Sauna – Saunas and steam rooms are a great way to burn off some extra calories and fat. By working up a serious sweat, you’ll burn up to 80 calories or so in under 30 minutes.
10. Take a Class– Whether it’s a spin class, kickboxing class, or even a meditation class, all of them will get you out of the house away from temptations and shifting your focus on learning something good.
11. Walk Your Dog – Dog-walking is great exercise. Not only does it get you moving, your dog’s probably going to keep you moving at a decent, fat-burning pace!  Take a frisbee or a tennis ball and play active fetch with your puppy to really get you moving and keep it fun for him as well.
12. Wash Your Car – This is actually one of my favorite things to do, and it’s a great little workout. Burn up to 200 calories while you clean up your ride and activate all your core muscles while doing so.  For instance, when you’re getting down to clean the wheels use a squat position and really flex your abs.
13. Take Up Gardening – Getting outdoors is always a good starting point when it comes to staying active and fit. With all that reaching, bending, and squatting, gardening is actually a fantastic way to burn fat and once again is great for activating all your core muscles and thighs when you are getting down in the squat position.
14. Take Up a Lunch-Time Sport – Something as simple as pick-up basketball can burn a lot of fat in 30 minutes, offering a total body workout that will also keep you social!
15. Go for a Swim – Swimming can offer a pretty serious little workout. My advice? Replace your typical cardio workout with a swim at least once a week. You’ll notice some amazing results when it comes to burning fat and conditioning your muscles.
16. Get It On – Of all the fat-burning strategies in your repertoire, why not try this? Sex can burn more than 200 calories especially when you try different positions with your partner.  For added boost of hormones do this after a good workout!
17. Stretch – Even if all you have time for is a good serious of stretches, you’ll still burn more fat and calories than you would have without any exercise. Stretching and flexibility training are actually a great way to boost metabolism and condition your muscles. Check out these Adjustable Resistance Toning Tubes to take it up a notch.
18. Get Your Bike Out of Storage – If you have a bike, start using it, or consider investing in one. Cycling is a totally effective way to burn fat, and it will improve your overall well-being and mood.  Often times you’ll find you are exploring areas of your city that you would have never seen otherwise and nothing screams tight butt muscles than a good cyclist!
19. Bring a Frisbee to the Beach – Remember, all physical activity improves your fat loss results, and playing Frisbee is no exception. It’s an easy thing to pack in your beach bag, and it’s a lot of fun!
20. Cut the Grass – Yard work actually offers a pretty intense workout, and you’ll burn a lot of fat in the process. If you don’t have your own yard, consider doing a favor for a friend on the weekend.


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