Saturday, October 29, 2016


Whether you recently had a baby or the scale has slowly been creeping up over the years, when you have 50, 100, or more pounds to lose, the task can seem so daunting that you're tempted to give up before you even try. Here are some things to keep in mind to help you stay motivated on your big weight-loss journey.

Remember It Takes Time
When you're watching your calorie intake and exercising regularly, it's safe to lose about two pounds a week. That may not seem like much, but over time, those little bits of weight loss will add up. You didn't gain all that weight overnight, so don't expect to lose it that quickly, either.
Set Realistic Goals—and Celebrate Them
Sure, your ultimate goal might be to fit into the jeans you wore in college, but in order to stay motivated, you need to set mini goals along the way. Every Sunday night, decide what your goal will be—to work out three times that week, eat greens every day, or meet with a personal trainer. Then when you reach your goal, reward yourself in a healthy way with a new water bottle or a trip to the movies—anything that makes you feel like you accomplished something.
Know Your Milestones
Since your weight-loss journey is made up of small steps along the way, it's important to track your progress. Seeing how your efforts are working will definitely inspire you to keep it up. Keep in mind that progress can be made in other ways that don't involve a scale—like having more muscle tonnage or extra energy.
Hold Yourself Accountable
So you ate healthy all week but didn't lose any weight—what gives? Unless you write down every bite you take, it's easier to cheat and grab a cookie here and some fries there. Those handfuls add up, and if you write down your food intake, you'll better understand why the scale isn't budging. It will also keep you honest. You'll be less likely to devour two pieces of cake at your friend's birthday party if you know you'll have to write it down later. To keep you even more accountable, share your food journal with a friend.
Don't Do It Alone
The support of your friends and family is huge when it comes to staying motivated. Tell everyone who's close to you that you're trying to lose weight so they can help you stay on track (instead of calling you up to go out for ice cream). Set up fitness dates, share healthy recipes, and have a reliable friend you can count on to call when you feel like you're veering off course.

Friday, October 28, 2016


It's often the little moves that lead to the biggest gains. And in the case of weight loss, they can also lead to the most significant, well, losses. 
With a simple swap, or a minor meal schedule change, the dreaded "d-word" becomes much less daunting. So as you're gearing up on your new journey, keep these small changes in mind to help make your goals achievable:


Drink diluted fruit juice or infused water. Natural fruit juices contain lots of calories. Cut them in half by diluting them with water.


Stop when you've eaten 80 percent of your normal amount, and wait 20 minutes. You'll feel satisfied because it takes 20 minutes for your stomach to signal your brain that you're full. 


A survey of more than 2,000 people who lost significant weight and kept it off for at least five years found that 78 percent ate breakfast seven days a week. Try any of these 20 flat-belly breakfast recipes to get started on your better-breakfast journey.


That's roughly the amount of calories in a handful of chips or a light beer. Eliminating 100 calories a day would be the equivalent of 700 calories a week and could lead to nearly 10 pounds of weight loss a year. Go ahead, skip the cheese on your pasta and go for vegetables only, or reach for carrot sticks instead of fried chips as a snack. (Learn how to eat clean with our three-week plan and you could lose up to 15 pounds!)


Eat your largest meal at breakfast or lunch and lighten up at dinner. This gives you hours of activity to burn off the calories. If you consume a lot of calories late in the day, you're more likely to store these calories as fat.


A walking workout is all you need to move from couch spud to moderately fit. It's a change that will provide significant health benefits. 


After age 30, your muscle mass starts to shrink by about 1 percent per year. That's why older folks tend to gain. Muscle is more metabolically active tissue than fat. By building more lean mass through strength training, you automatically burn more calories 24/7. 


Never eat out of the container. How many times have you dipped your hand into the chip bag only to find yourself staring at the bottom 15 minutes later?

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Easy Ways to Burn Fat

Fat Loss Easy Peasy Strategies

Sometimes we get so caught up in the latest diets and exercise plans we forget the small things that can help us get active and burn the belly fat.  Just remember you don’t necessarily have to keep jumping from diet to the next, you can think smart and implement easy strategies to maximize your efforts and time.
From boosting your metabolism to toning and conditioning your lean muscle mass, every strategy on this list offers an effective means for fat loss. Try one or try a bunch, you can’t go wrong.
20 Easy and Effective Strategies to Burn Fat – in 30 Minutes or Less!
1. Have a Cleaning Spree – Serious cleaning around the house can result in some serious fat burning results. Bonus ideas are cleaning the windows or vacuuming. Put on some music, and work away!
2. Replace Your Chair with a Stability Ball – This one is one of my favorites as a stability ball can be a great replacement for an office or desk chair, and sitting on one while you work will engage a whole bunch of core and back muscles. End result is that you’ll burn some serious fat in the process. If you don’t have one yet this one is good because it includes a pump and is inexpensive: Xercise Ball Package With DVD And Pump.
3. Walk to Work – A simple solution, but when you tight on time for a workout, a good, fast-paced walk will burn a lot of calories and give your metabolism a pretty decent boost for the day.
4. Take the Stairs – I’m sure you’ve heard this one before, but taking the stairs rather than the elevator is a great way to enhance your metabolism and burn off a lot more fat!
5. Cook a Big Dinner – Believe it or not, cooking is a good exercise. It keeps you on your feet, and it keeps you moving. Cook with metabolism boosting foods like Nutiva Organic Extra-Virgin Coconut Oil, and you’re doubling your results!
6. Stand While You Work – While it’s not practical for everyone, standing at your desk or while you work burns a lot more calories than sitting. If you have to sit, at least try to move around as much as you can.
7. Do Yoga Every Morning – Starting your day with a quick yoga routine is a great way to boost your metabolism for the day. If you’re new to yoga, check out this awesome Gaiam Yoga for Beginners Kit.
8. Play a Game of Pool or Go Bowling – Next time you’re out with friends, consider playing a game of pool or going bowling. Neither may not seem like the most strenuous of exercises, but in a single game you can burn up a hundred calories or more.
9. Enjoy the Sauna – Saunas and steam rooms are a great way to burn off some extra calories and fat. By working up a serious sweat, you’ll burn up to 80 calories or so in under 30 minutes.
10. Take a Class– Whether it’s a spin class, kickboxing class, or even a meditation class, all of them will get you out of the house away from temptations and shifting your focus on learning something good.
11. Walk Your Dog – Dog-walking is great exercise. Not only does it get you moving, your dog’s probably going to keep you moving at a decent, fat-burning pace!  Take a frisbee or a tennis ball and play active fetch with your puppy to really get you moving and keep it fun for him as well.
12. Wash Your Car – This is actually one of my favorite things to do, and it’s a great little workout. Burn up to 200 calories while you clean up your ride and activate all your core muscles while doing so.  For instance, when you’re getting down to clean the wheels use a squat position and really flex your abs.
13. Take Up Gardening – Getting outdoors is always a good starting point when it comes to staying active and fit. With all that reaching, bending, and squatting, gardening is actually a fantastic way to burn fat and once again is great for activating all your core muscles and thighs when you are getting down in the squat position.
14. Take Up a Lunch-Time Sport – Something as simple as pick-up basketball can burn a lot of fat in 30 minutes, offering a total body workout that will also keep you social!
15. Go for a Swim – Swimming can offer a pretty serious little workout. My advice? Replace your typical cardio workout with a swim at least once a week. You’ll notice some amazing results when it comes to burning fat and conditioning your muscles.
16. Get It On – Of all the fat-burning strategies in your repertoire, why not try this? Sex can burn more than 200 calories especially when you try different positions with your partner.  For added boost of hormones do this after a good workout!
17. Stretch – Even if all you have time for is a good serious of stretches, you’ll still burn more fat and calories than you would have without any exercise. Stretching and flexibility training are actually a great way to boost metabolism and condition your muscles. Check out these Adjustable Resistance Toning Tubes to take it up a notch.
18. Get Your Bike Out of Storage – If you have a bike, start using it, or consider investing in one. Cycling is a totally effective way to burn fat, and it will improve your overall well-being and mood.  Often times you’ll find you are exploring areas of your city that you would have never seen otherwise and nothing screams tight butt muscles than a good cyclist!
19. Bring a Frisbee to the Beach – Remember, all physical activity improves your fat loss results, and playing Frisbee is no exception. It’s an easy thing to pack in your beach bag, and it’s a lot of fun!
20. Cut the Grass – Yard work actually offers a pretty intense workout, and you’ll burn a lot of fat in the process. If you don’t have your own yard, consider doing a favor for a friend on the weekend.

Monday, September 5, 2016

Hack your way to a power breakfast everyday!
Look, we all know that breakfast is *supposed* to be the most important meal of the day yet we often end up skipping it… because snoozing seems like a much better option than slaving over your stove first thing in the morning, right?
If anything, we grab a takeaway coffee on the way to work and that’s it. Umm, news flash… caffeine is not a food group! You need a well-balanced meal to help you tackle the day ahead.
So in an effort to help you get a good brekkie in, and not spend your entire salary on double almond milk cappuccinos at the coffee bar on the corner, we’ve rounded up some helpful tips to keep you on track.

Use Your Baking Moulds  

Yes, your cupcake, muffin and donut pans can be used for more than just sugary delights. For some serious protein power, whip up a quick batch of egg cups, or minifrittatas. You’ll literally be able to grab-n-go! PS: You can even use your baking pans to freeze smoothie ingredients if you’re out of Ziploc bags.

Freeze It

Make your freezer your new breakfast BFF! Besides prepping meals ahead of time and freezing them you can make smoothie lollies (a great idea for the upcoming summer season). Just make a large batch of your fave smoothie and freeze it in lolly pop moulds. Like, who said you couldn’t have ‘ice cream’ for breakfast?!

Get Techy With It 

If you’re one of those people who can totally relate to that Instagram quote “But first… coffee”, then this little hack will change your life! Invest in a self-timing coffee machine (they’re not as pricey as you think) and automate your caffeine intake. Simple set the timer the night before and you’ll wake up to the smell of roasted coffee beans.

Prep Like A Pro

You know that saying “By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail”? It’s so true. If you always find yourself rushing out the door in the morning then simply set aside an hour on Sunday night and get your trusty Tuppawear out. You can make overnightoats, a huge batch of granola, breakfast bars, prep smoothies and store your hard boiled eggs (you could even toss those into your office lunch).

Use Your Microwave 

If you’re really in a time crunch and could get breakfast at home or on the way to work, you can use the office microwave. You can literally make anything in the microwave. Think creamy oats in 30 seconds, and yes, even scrambled eggs!

Stash It

Not into using the office microwave? You could just stash breakfast at your desk. You know those breakfast bars you made… we’ll store a few in a container and keep them in your desk draw. Check those morning emails while you fuel your body for your 10am meeting.

Source by :

Sunday, September 4, 2016

These foods start slimming your waistline the moment they leave your fork. They build muscle, promote fat burning or simply use energy (burning those kilojoules) just to digest them! Stock up today.

The 15 Best Fat-Burning Foods

Almonds And Other Nuts

(with skins intact)
Build muscle, reduce cravings.

Dairy Products

(fat-free or low-fat milk, yoghurt, cheese)
Build strong bones, fire up weight loss.


Build muscle, burn fat.

Lean Meats

Build muscle, strengthen immune system.


Improve satiety, prevent cravings.

Oranges And Red Veggies

Provide fibre, health-boosting beta-carotene and phytochemicals.

Peanut Butter

Boosts testosterone (a good thing, even in women), builds muscle, burns fat

Fatty Fish

(such as salmon, tuna,mackerel)
Trigger fullness, fireup fat burning


Lowers insulin, regulates blood sugar and metabolism; be sure to eat the fleshy white membranes.

Green Tea

Fires up fat burners.

Chilli Peppers

Spike metabolism.

Spinach And Green Vegetables

Fight free radicals and improve recovery for better muscle building.


(quinoa, brown rice, whole-grain cereal)
Small doses prevent the body from storing fat.

Beans And Legumes

Build muscle, help burn fat, regulate digestion.


Builds muscle, burns fat.

Saturday, September 3, 2016

Stretch marks are scars that appear on your skin due to sudden changes in body size. This usually happens during pregnancy, rapid weight gain or loss, and puberty.
However, stretch marks are not caused only by overstretching of skin. Certain factors, such as a genetic predisposition, can increase your likelihood of developing stretch marks.
Nevertheless, you can take some preventive steps to try to avoid this problem. The best course of action is to keep your skin healthy and hydrated to improve its elasticity. There are many additional steps you can take to minimize the chances of such marks appearing.
Here are the top 10 tips to help prevent stretch marks.

1. Apply coconut oil

Using coconut oil is perhaps the best natural way to keep your skin moisturized.
  1. Rub coconut oil generously on your skin.
  2. Massage the area to aid absorption into the skin.
  3. Do this two or three times a day.
If you do not have coconut oil, you can use olive oil, cocoa butter, shea butter, avocado oil, emu oil, or just some baby oil.

2. Use castor oil packs

Expectant mothers often are advised to use castor oil to prevent stretch marks. People have used castor oil to prevent and reduce fine lines, winkles, spots, blemishes, and other skin problems for ages. It works as a humectant, helping your skin retain moisture.
  1. Apply a thick layer of castor oil on your skin.
  2. Wrap the area with plastic wrap or saran wrap.
  3. Apply heat with a heating pad or hot water bottle for at least 20 minutes.
  4. Repeat the process daily or several times a week.
If you want to thin the oil, combine one tablespoon of castor oil with two tablespoons of sweet almond oil and then apply the mixture.

3. Stay hydrated

Drinking plenty of water throughout the day will help keep your skin hydrated. This keeps your skin supple and helps maintain elasticity, thereby making your skin layers less prone to tearing. For best results, drink at least two liters of water each day.

4. Enjoy a nutritious diet

Eat a balanced and nutritious diet that is rich in vitamins C and E, zinc, silica, and other nutrients to nourish your skin. Vitamin C, in particular, is essential for regenerating connective tissue.
Minerals like zinc and silica are also useful, as zinc helps in collagen synthesis and silica helps produce collagen. So, include a variety of foods such as strawberries, blueberries, spinach, carrots, green beans, collard greens, nuts and seeds in your diet.

5. Stock up on vitamin E

Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant that protects the collagen fibers in your skin from damage due to free radicals. This keeps the collagen fibers strong and promotes skin elasticity.
To get the maximum benefit, eat foods high in vitamin E (almonds, olives, sunflower seeds, spinach, avocados, pumpkins, etc.) and massage your skin with vitamin E oil or cream several times a day. You can take vitamin E oral supplements as well.

6. Moisturize with oil blends

You can create some interesting oil blends by combining different essential and base oils and using them to moisturize your skin.
  • Combine one cup each of olive oil and coconut oil. Add four tablespoons of vitamin E oil and the contents of six vitamin A capsules. Regularly massage your skin with the mixture.
  • Mix some coconut oil, cocoa butter, and shea butter. Melt the mixture in a microwave or a double boiler. Finally, add a little vitamin E oil and apply it on your skin. This is a great homemade “belly butter” for preventing pregnancy stretch marks.
  • You can also add a few drops of orange oil in vitamin E oil and then apply it on your skin.

7. Try dry brushing

Dry brushing is great for your skin in many ways. It exfoliates the skin, opening the pores and removing the buildup of dead skin cells and dirt. This, in turn, helps the skin absorb moisturizing oils, creams, and lotions better. Dry brushing also stimulates circulation and helps mobilize fats and eliminate toxins.
  1. Before bathing or showering, brush your bare skin with long, sweeping strokes toward the heart using a soft, natural bristle brush.
  2. Do this for about five minutes, especially on your thighs, arms, abdomen, and buttocks, daily or every other day. Avoid brushing areas with delicate or sensitive skin.
As the name suggests, dry brushing must be done on dry and not wet skin. When purchasing the brush, opt for one that has a long handle so you can use it easily on hard-to-reach areas. You can find them in the bath section of any department store and in many drug stores.

8. Do not gain or lose weight rapidly

If you are working hard to lose some extra pounds, it is best not to lose more than one pound a week as rapid weight loss can leave you with ugly stretch marks. Similarly, rapid weight gain also can lead to stretch marks.
For example, they can appear during pregnancy or intense workouts to build muscles in a short amount of time. It is normal to gain about 22 to 28 pounds during pregnancy, but women should be careful about “eating for two” so as not to gain more weight than is necessary to support the baby’s development.
As for muscle building, stretch marks are more likely to appear when you lift heavy weights with low reps to bulk up quickly. So, to prevent stretch marks, build lean muscle mass by using moderately heavy weights and increasing the reps.

9. Exercise regularly

Regular, moderate exercise promotes circulation, which in turn nourishes the skin cells. Also, it tones the muscles and improves skin elasticity.
Furthermore, regular exercise helps regulate hormones and induces sweating to eliminate toxins from the body. Pregnant women can include light exercises or a workout designed for pregnant women in their routine after consulting their doctor.

10. Avoid prolonged use of corticosteroids

Frequent and prolonged use of topical corticosteroids, such as ointments and creams, is associated with a greater risk of developing permanent stretch marks. Such use can cause skin atrophy (thinning of the skin). So, it best to use these medications intermittently.

Friday, September 2, 2016

Cellulite affects more than 85 percent of women, representing all shapes and sizes. It is most common in the thighs, but it can also be present on the legs, buttocks or stomach.
Cellulite is made up of free-floating fat cells that are deposited just beneath the skin. It has a distinct appearance, like the dimpled surface of an orange peel or cottage cheese. Hormones, genetics and an unhealthy lifestyle are the top causes of cellulite.
You need to get rid of cellulite as soon as it appears because it tends to get worse with age. Many effective techniques can slow the occurrence and minimize the appearance of cellulite in the thighs. To manage cellulite, try some of these simple and easy home remedies.
Here are the top 10 ways to get rid of cellulite in the thighs.

1. Dry Brushing

Dry brushing is one of the simplest ways to get rid of cellulite in your thighs. Although several people attest to its effectiveness, it is not backed by scientific evidence.
The process of dry brushing improves blood circulation and lymphatic drainage, and removes the build-up of toxins from body.
Plus, it is believed that the improved blood flow to the skin makes it appear plump, thus reducing the appearance of cellulite.
  1. Before beginning, make sure your skin and the brush are both dry.
  2. Gently brush from your feet up to your shoulders, focusing more on areas with the most cellulite. Remember to brush from left to right side of the body and keep the brushing movements concentrated toward the heart to encourage blood circulation.
  3. Do this dry brushing for about five minutes.
  4. Finally, shower to wash away the dead skin cells and impurities.
  5. Do this once daily before taking a shower for a few months or until you notice improvement in your skin texture.
Note: Be sure to use a body brush made with natural fibers.

2. Cayenne Pepper

Cayenne pepper is a fat-burning food. It has the ability to naturally heat up the body, increase blood circulation and boost metabolism. Plus, it helps get rid of bad skin cells and replace them with strong healthy cells.
In addition, regular consumption of cayenne pepper can help eliminate toxins from the body and reduce the appearance of cellulite in the thighs.
  1. Add one or two teaspoons of cayenne pepper powder, one teaspoon of grated ginger and fresh-squeezed juice from one lemon to a glass of warm water and mix it well.
  2. Drink the cellulite detox drink once or twice daily for one or two months.

3. Coffee Grounds

Coarse coffee grounds can be used as an exfoliating scrub to remove dead skin cells and regenerate new, healthy cells. Plus, drinking coffee will help increase blood circulation.
  • Mix together one-fourth cup of coffee grounds, three tablespoons of sugar and two tablespoons of melted coconut oil to form a paste. Take a little bit of this paste and massage the affected skin with it for several minutes using firm pressure. Finally, rinse it off with lukewarm water. Follow this remedy two or three times a week until you get the desired results. You can store the excess in a glass jar for future use.
  • Alternatively, you can prepare a wrap with coffee and olive oil. Heat one-half cup of coffee grounds and a little extra-virgin olive oil in the microwave for 20 seconds. Spread the warm mixture on the cellulite and cover it with plastic wrap. Leave it on for 30 minutes, and then rinse it off with warm water. Do this twice a week until you see improvement.

4. Juniper Oil

Juniper oil has detoxifying properties and can help reduce fluid retention, thus effectively reducing cellulite.
  1. Mix 10 to 15 drops of juniper oil in one-fourth cup of olive oil.
  2. Massage the mixture on the affected area for 10 minutes.
  3. Do this twice daily. After a month, you will notice your skin is softer and firmer.

5. Seaweed

A natural exfoliating agent, seaweed stimulates blood circulation, improves skin texture and flushes harmful toxins from the body. This in turn helps reduce the appearance of cellulite.
  • Mix together three tablespoons of ground seaweed (easily available at health stores), one-fourth cup each of sea salt and extra-virgin olive oil, and a few drops of any kind of essential oil.Massage a little bit of this mixture on the affected area for 10 minutes before taking a shower. After showering, apply moisturizer. Follow this remedy once daily for several weeks. You can store excess mixture in a mason jar for future use.
  • Alternatively, you can take seaweed baths to reduce cellulite. Add four sheets of seaweed to your bath tub filled with lukewarm water. Soak in it for 20 minutes. Do this twice a week for the maximum benefit.

6. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar can help get rid of cellulite due to the presence of minerals, potassium, magnesium and calcium in it. All these elements play a key role in flushing out toxins and water retention around the thighs and stomach.
This in turn reduces bloating and cellulite. Plus, apple cider vinegar also helps you lose weight and less fat means fewer cellulite pockets.
  • Mix one part apple cider vinegar with two parts water. If you like, add a bit of honey. Rub the solution on the affected areas. Leave it on for 30 minutes, and then rinse it off with warm water. Follow this treatment twice daily until you get the desired results.
  • Alternatively, mix apple cider vinegar and water in equal parts, and rub it on the affected area. Then wrap the area with plastic wrap and put a warm towel over it for one hour. Finally, remove the wrap and rinse the area with lukewarm water. Do this once daily until you get rid of your cellulite completely.
  • You can also mix two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar and one teaspoon of honey, and drink it two times a day on a regular basis.

7. Green Clay

Green clay has ability to stimulate blood and lymph circulation, remove dead skin cells, absorb impurities and fats, and repair and strengthen connective tissues. Due to all these properties, green clay is considered highly effective for reducing the appearance of cellulite.
  1. Mix together one-half cup each of green clay and seaweed, one-quarter cup of freshly squeezed lime juice, three tablespoons of hot water, and one tablespoon of organic honey to form a thick and smooth paste.
  2. Rub the mixture onto the affected area using circular motions, and then cover it with plastic wrap.
  3. Leave it on for 30 minutes, and then wash it off with lukewarm water.
  4. Follow this treatment on a weekly basis until you get the desired result.

8. Salmon

Salmon is rich in antioxidants, which break down fat cells in cellulite. Plus, the omega-3 fatty acids present in salmon are required by the body for smooth skin and tissue.
Omega-3 fatty acids reduce appetite and low-level inflammation as well as repair and strengthen skin tissues. This in turn decreases the build-up of harmful toxins in blood vessels and improves circulation.
Try to eat four or five servings of salmon each week. To promote cellulite reduction, opt for baked or roasted salmon dishes and avoid the deep-fried versions.

9. Tangerine Oil

Tangerine oil helps improve blood circulation and break down fat pockets and cellulite. This essential oil also plays a key role in detoxifying the body.
  • Add five drops of tangerine oil to one tablespoon of olive oil. Rub this mixture on the affected area and massage with it for 10 to 15 minutes. Avoid sun exposure for at least one hour after using this oil. Repeat twice daily for many weeks to reduce cellulite.
  • Alternatively, you can consume this oil orally to reduce cellulite as well as boost your metabolism. Add two or three drops of tangerine essential oil to a glass of warm water. Drink it once daily until you notice improvement.

10. Drink Water

Cellulite pockets are full of toxins that accumulate in your body over the years. Drinking water is the best way to remove toxins from your body. It will also keep your body well hydrated, which in turn will give your skin a healthy glow and texture.
Drink at least eight glasses of water daily to make sure your system is getting all the water it needs. Drink a glass of water first thing in the morning, before you have your morning coffee or tea.
If you do not like drinking plain water, you can add a little lemon juice or honey. Plus, try to eat foods with higher water content like melons, cucumbers, and leafy green vegetables.
With these tips and remedies, you can easily get rid of cellulite in your thighs and show off your well-toned legs in swimsuits, skirts and shorts.